Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Owen's "concentrating" mouth

I was watching Owen draw pictures of the local climbing gym the other day. It had lots of O's (his favorite letter) for the handholds and himself climbing them. The best thing about when Owen colors is his mouth. When he is concentrating really hard he sticks his tongue out and swishes it around. Think about it a little-- we all do it. When I am concentrating I ball up my little chin. What do you do??


Sherie Christensen said...

ah, it is nice of you to let us in on your heretofore secret blog. I think when I consentrate I squint and tense up so many muscles that I quickly acquire a headache. Doesn't concentrating sound fun for me? It was fun reading all of your blog posts. Merry Christmas Late.

Sherie Christensen said...

Oops, I meant concentrate.

Miles Lowry said...

When I concentrate, I end up with very messy hair. I always rest my forehead on my palm and run my hand through my hair a bunch of times. It's kinda weird.

Sherie Christensen said...

Oh -- Miles I do that too!